Anchor Tag :

Syntax <a href="given path"> text </a> tag defines an anchor.
<a href="given path" target="_blank"> text </a> Opens the specified link in a new tab,by using the target attribute

The Basic uses are
     . To create a link to another document, by using the href attribute
     . To create a bookmark inside a document, by using the name attribute


Bookmarks on a page are very easy to make as they also use the <a> tag. Here we use the name attribute.
For example:

Syntax: <a name="top">The First Text In The Pag</a> Will create a bookmark called top in the text which the tag surrounds.

You can then link to this using a standard hyperlink:

Syntax: <a href="#top">Back To Top</a>

Note : You can name bookmarks anything you like. Bookmarks are very useful on pages which are very long as they can be used to quickly go to another part of the page.

For More details see example below:

Example :  anchor.php