Tables :

An HTML table is an element comprised of table rows and columns, much like you'd see when working with an application such as Excel. Tables are container elements, and their sole purpose is to house other HTML elements and arrange them in a tabular fashion -- row by row, column by column.

An HTML table consists of the <table> element and one or more <tr>, <th>, and <td> elements.

The <tr> element defines a table row, the <th> element defines a table header, and the <td> element defines a table cell.

Attributes of Table

Attributes of TH/TD

USE OF <thead>, <tbody> & <tfoot> :

The <tbody> element is used in conjunction with the <thead> and <tfoot> elements to specify each part of a table (body, header, footer).

These tags specify the Table Header, Table Footer, and Table Body. Basically the top area, bottom area, and main area of the table.
A table may contain only one <thead> and <tfoot> area. It may however contain multiple <tbody> tags.

These three tag sets are a set in themselves. If you are going to use them, you must use all 3 of them in any specific table area. You can't have just a <tbody> or whatever. They are a complete set.

Uses of <table> tags

Example : Table.php