Form Elements :

An HTML form on a web page allows a user to enter data that is sent to a server for processing. Forms resemble paper or database forms because web users fill out the forms using checkboxes, radio buttons, or text fields. For example, forms can be used to enter shipping or credit card data to order a product, or can be used to retrieve search results from a search engine .

HTML forms are placed on a web page using the <form> tag. This tag encapsulates a series of other form elements, identifying them as a single web form. Some of the important tags inside <form> are as follows:


INPUT tag and its attributes :

    . type (text, button, checkbox, file, hidden, password, radio, reset, submit)
    . name
    . readonly
    . disabled
    . value


    . cols
    . rows
    . readonly
    . disabled

SELECT tag and its attribute :

  select tag is always accompained by <option> tag
      . name - required for select tag
  Option tag
      . value 
      . selected
      . disabled

--> If no action is provided the form redirects to same page but data is submitted.,
--> Default method for a form is get.

Distinguishing Between Get and Post Methods


While using a File upload in a Form, Please make sure that you use an additional form attribute (enctype="multipart/form-data"). The enctype attribute specifies how the form-data should be encoded when submitting it to the server.The enctype attribute can only be used if method="post".

Example : Form1.php Form2.php